Lizzie King graduated from Leith’s School of Cookery and embarked on a fabulous career as a Nutritional Health Coach and author. She has three children: Jethro, Calypso and Phoenix and recently published her book, Lizzie Loves: Healthy Family Food. From cooking evenings for parents to workshops, bespoke coaching to pantry revamps all your own home, Lizzie has a passionate love of good food, big flavours and, of course, her family. She chats to us about travels with her brood and how to avoid coming unstuck at snack time.
Q: What is your first childhood memory of travel?
Arriving in a beautiful French patisserie aged about five after a really bumpy journey. When my Dad asked us what we wanted to choose from the glistening cakes and pastries, my older sister promptly threw up all over the floor.
Q: Where have you had your best holiday to date?
Our Mexican honeymoon. It lasted three weeks – never happened since! – and we skipped about from deserted blue beaches and a luxury hotel to an eco-campsite on an uninhabited island. We also spent a few days in the thick of it in Mexico City and had time in the beautiful mountains in a Hacienda. But, for me, it was all about the food, and transforming my fish-hating husband! The freshest ceviches were served to us in the pool on day one (when he’d ordered a ham sandwich that I sent back) and he’s been hooked ever since.
Q: Where was the first place you went with a little one in tow? How did it go?
We went on a family skiing trip at Christmas when my 10 year old was just a few months of age. He was tiny, not crawling, and I took him everywhere, so it was pretty easy. But skiing attempts were often thwarted and I’d fly down the mountain to a crying baby.
Q: How do you find the experience of travelling with children generally?
It’s always a mixed bag, but definitely the good outweighs any dramas. We’ve been on plenty of really long car journeys (we drive to Italy twice a year) and, so, my three are pretty good at staring out of the window and going to sleep. But I love journeys for the enforced chat time in a seat belt! Often, my son has no time to tell me about school or life or whatever, but when we’re squashed together on a plane or train they often start chatting. That said, the packing and washing and admin is never fun.
Do you ever travel with your children for work?
My work is pretty interwoven with my normal life, and I rarely go away without my kids, so I guess they’re always there.
Q: Where was your best holiday with your children?
A last minute ski trip to Gressoney in Italy last Easter. We stayed an idyllic wooden chalet hotel, called Hotel Romantik, (you couldn’t make it up), the owner is the most amazing lady – it’s a proper family affair. Incredible food, an adrenaline hit for the kids and a pool and spa for me to chill out in. They already want to go back.
Q: And your worst?
I adore holidays and don’t get the urge to rush home, so I can’t remember any that haven’t been pretty great. We’ve definitely had sickness in the car, dramatic injuries and I’ve left crucial kit everywhere, but that’s never outshone the holiday.
Q: What is your must-have travel accessory when away with children?
Black out blinds – you’re literally buying yourself sleep!
Q: And top tips for travel with kids?
My two latest discoveries are now coming everywhere – charcoal pills and cherry juice – for stopping vomit immediately and for sleep! And all the snacks; take as much as you can fit in your handbag to avoid the travel stop hell options that will send your kids sugar-crazed and unable to sit down; I have bananas, satsumas, apples, nut butter pouches, trail mix, whatever I can I take it with me!
To order Lizzie’s book click here.